quinta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2008

E enquanto não chega o fim de semana...

Start Hunting For That New Apartment

You two are ready to live together - and probably have been for a while

You're a perfect match, even if you don't agree on everything

What's important is compromise... a skill you and your guy have mastered

So head out to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It's time for your new life together!

Should You Live With Your Boyfriend?

Alguém vai ficar muito contente com este resultado. :P

2 comentários:

Rufferto disse...

Não faço ideia onde achaste isto, mas é a coisa mais acertada que li nos últimos tempos. Tee-hee para nós!

Glennis disse...

No you should not! The male gets all the advantages with out having to make any kind of commitment, and you can be sure he never will. '
But then I am the marrying kind, I have married 3 times, I did live with No2 Husband for a short time, but it was a bad decission.
Wait for some kind of commitment; marriage preferably!
OLd fashoned I know.